Dan is the owner and head coach for open water swim specialist swim company Fitandabel.com. He is also a pioneer in New Zealand of open water sportive swimming under the brand RealSwim Adventures. Dan is a former New Zealand national pool swimming champion, an ex USA Collegiate swimmer and holds the 4th fastest time ever for swimming the Cook Strait in 6 hours 15 minutes.
One of the best things about being an open water swimmer and swim coach is the sunshine, it’s also one of the worst! Endless sunshine, wind, water reflection and cloud reflection damages the skin, especially in New Zealand. Finding a sun screen that not only protects but is good for the skin and the environment has been a career long quest. I am comfortable to admit that surfers beat us too it; Aloe Up is quite simply the answer to all of my problems. It is the first sunscreen I actually enjoy putting on. I can feel the Aloe moisturizing and I am reassured that I’ll have lasting UV protection for the day that is not at the expense of my health nor the oceans. Nice job Aloe Up! See you in the water" – Dan Abel
These days Dan spends his time teaching adults how to swim and introducing them to the addictive fun that is open water swimming. Check out his courses and get into swimming at: www.fitandabel.com